Sky4Sim release for FS2024 on final!
Hello dear community,
First of all happy new year and best wishes to all of you!
I wanted to thank you all for you support. I received tons of messages from users which are not currently really satisfied by the native FS24 EFB and which asked me to integrate sky4sim into FS24.
Sky4Sim is actually working on FS24 if you copy the ingamepanel-sky4sim-ng folder from the MSFS community package to the FS24 community folder.
This is a manual workaround right now. I’m planning a release for January in order to do several improvements:
- Auto detect all FS24 paths and install packages properly on this new simulator
- Remove the request for a bing API key on first launch (as Bing doesn’t deliver new API keys anymore) – It will still be possible to use bing map background if you already have a key until it becomes obsolete in June
- Change the elevation API provider (which was Bing)
- Fix the prevent shutdown issue
- Change the way FP are shared with aircraft’s Avionics as it became completely broken with the last upgrade of avionics framework on FS24 (will save the .pln files and user will have to use the internal FS24 EFB to load them into the avionics)
- Fix the airspace map (using openAIP) which now require an API key
- Add a new way of managing custom maps in order to allow you to add (google satellite map, France OACI, US Sectional charts and more using links that can be found on internet)
This will basically allow you to use sky4sim as an ingame 2D panel in FS2024 exactly like on MSFS.
I started to work on a Proof of Concept to host sky4sim into the FS24 EFB as an application. There is still a work to do and I hope to release that by the end of January.
The EFB application version which will be available into any aircraft 3D model and into the 2D MSFS EFB panel will be sold as a new upgrade.
Have many great flights!